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Las Vegas is renowned for its vibrant casinos and bustling entertainment scene, attracting millions of visitors each year. Amidst the glitz and glamour, accidents can happen, including slip and fall incidents. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, knowing the right steps to take after a slip and fall accident at a Las Vegas casino can make a significant difference. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a general guide to help you navigate the aftermath of such an incident.

Prioritize Your Safety and Well-being:

The first and foremost concern after a slip and fall accident is your safety and well-being. Assess yourself for injuries and seek immediate medical attention if needed. Your health should always be the top priority.

Report the Incident to Casino Staff:

Notify the casino staff about the incident as soon as possible. Provide them with a clear and detailed account of what happened. This creates an official record of the incident and ensures that the casino is aware of the situation.

Document the Scene and Gather Evidence:

If you are able to do so safely, document the scene of the accident. Take photos or videos of the area where the slip and fall occurred, the conditions that contributed to the accident, and any hazards present.

Identify Witnesses and Obtain Contact Information:

If there were witnesses to the incident, collect their contact information. Witness statements can be valuable in establishing the facts surrounding the accident.

Preserve Evidence of Your Injuries:

Preserve evidence of your injuries by seeking medical attention promptly and keeping detailed records of all medical treatments, diagnoses, prescriptions, and medical bills.

Retain Your Footwear and Clothing:

Preserve the footwear and clothing you were wearing at the time of the accident. These items can serve as evidence and may help establish the cause of the slip and fall.

Notify Your Accommodation Provider or Travel Insurance:

If you’re a visitor, notify your accommodation provider or travel insurance about the incident. They may be able to provide assistance or guidance on the steps to take.

Exercise Caution When Discussing the Incident:

Be cautious about discussing the details of the incident with anyone other than necessary authorities or medical professionals. Avoid making statements that could be used against you later.

Consult an Attorney for Guidance:

If you’ve suffered significant injuries or are facing challenges in dealing with the aftermath, consider consulting an attorney experienced in personal injury cases. They can provide guidance and help you understand your options.

Follow Up with Casino Management:

Follow up with the casino management regarding the status of the investigation and any actions taken to address the situation. This demonstrates your seriousness about the incident.

Maintain a Record of Damages and Expenses:

Keep a detailed record of all damages and expenses related to the incident, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other out-of-pocket costs.


Experiencing a slip and fall accident at a Las Vegas casino can be distressing, but knowing the appropriate steps to take afterward can help protect your rights and interests. Prioritize your safety, document the incident, and seek medical attention. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can navigate the aftermath of the accident effectively and seek appropriate support if needed.

About Kim Welch Law:

Hire a local Colorado injury lawyer to fight on your behalf.  With over 29 years of experience in Colorado, Kim Welch Law is the personal injury lawyer you need fighting for you. As a former insurance company defense attorney, she has an extensive understanding of how the insurance companies take advantage of injured peoples’ desperation with lowball settlements or by denying claims.  She fights for total compensation and holds insurance companies and defendants accountable for preventable accidents.

Contact Us.

Anyone can suffer an accident at any time.  Contacting an injury attorney as soon as possible after the accident can mean the difference between a sizeable financial compensation and an unfair settlement.

Kim Welch Law will fight for you.  Schedule a free consultation today! Connect with us on Facebook here!