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Medical Payments Coverage Pays

Let’s start with a question most people don’t know the answer to:  what is the medical payments coverage on an auto insurance policy?

Medical payments coverage pays for the medical expenses incurred for injuries you or your passengers may suffer in a car accident, no matter who caused the crash, up to the limits of the coverage purchased. Believe it or not, this also pays for medical bills if you or your family members are hit by a car as a pedestrian or while riding your bike.

A common mistake is people do not know that medical payments coverage is not the same as bodily injury coverage. Bodily injury coverage is for people that are injured in another vehicle if the driver of your vehicle causes an accident and doesn’t cover you or your families’ injuries.

Medical payments coverage is not required by law to be on your policy. In fact, most insurance companies looking to save you money to get you in the door will not tell you that you should have this coverage, depending on what State you reside in. As an experienced personal Injury attorney, whom has seen the problems that arise from not having this coverage, I highly recommend to my clients to get this coverage. A little extra out of your pocket a month will save you money in the long run should you ever be in an accident.

If you have any questions relating to this topic or an injury claim, please contact my office at 888-590-5510 for a free no obligation consultation and let me be a Bulldog for you!